VI – Vyripharm International

VI – Vyripharm International

Advancing revolutionary healthcare technologies globally. Internationally focused strategy to license IP across the globe:

We are building global partnerships that make a difference and deliver innovative technologies to create a fundamental impact on people’s lives.

Vyripharm International (VI), is focused on expanding the Vyripharm Footprint throughout Sovereign Tribal Nations and globally.

VI establishes the footprint with the country; in turn this allows for a path in which Vyripharm’s other subsidiaries and technologies can then be monetized within that country. Most Importantly, this footprint benefits the country by offering the citizens a platform in which they can:

  • Get Advanced Industry Training (Education)
  • Build Global Industry Partnerships
  • Develop Intellectual Property and Brand their products
  • Build stronger socioeconomic value locally, regionally and globally
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Helping People Live Better Lives

Quality Assurance and Quality Control is Vyripharm’s focus for enhancing public safety, public health and public awareness.